Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016 – Dump, Sweep, Spray, Rake, Mow, Nursery, Play practice, Sunset

First thing this morning was a trip to the dump/burn pile with another large load. Next we sprayed ant poison on the brick sidewalk leading to the visitor’s center. With the warmer weather, ants have become active and created hundreds of little mounds of sand all along the walk. It is very unsightly and our job is to make the grounds look good. 
We also swept all of the sidewalks, raked more leaves, stick & twigs and I finished the day on the lawn mower.  But, the grounds are in a crisis, the dandelions and clover are winning! We’ve discussed the problem with our boss at F.M. and next week, if the weather permits, he will send out a large sprayer to kill all of the dandelions and clover in the lawns. In the mean time all I can do is keep mowing them down. The grass is still too short to be trimmed by the mower blades. The dandelions puff-balls are very tall and unsightly and the mower takes care of them very well. The problem is, within two days they are all back.
We left early for play practice tonight in Nauvoo so we could stop at a nursery on our way.  It is out in the country half way between Carthage and Nauvoo. Sis. Johnson was excited to pick out several different bedding plants for our two little garden plots in front of our house.
 Tonight in Nauvoo we had another practice for the play: “Sunset by the Mississippi”.  Afterward we were driving on the street in front of the temple and saw another beautiful “Sunset by the Mississippi”. This time the scene was framed with the iconic statues of Joseph & his brother Hyrum on horseback as they said their final farewell to Nauvoo. They left to surrender themselves to the authorities in Carthage on June 25, 1844. It was the last time they saw their beautiful Nauvoo and the beautiful temple on the hill overlooking Nauvoo.
(Update on the attic fire of our son & daughter-in-law’s home yesterday. Good News! It’s only been 24 hours and their insurance company is really coming through for them. All of the carpet in the whole house has already been remove and will be completely replaced. All of the ceiling drywall has been torn down and has been removed. The entire house will be refurbished, cleaned and repainted. The estimate is the job will take three weeks. In the mean time the insurance company has put the family in a suite at the Marriott hotel in Mesa.)

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