Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 – Zone Meeting, “Flat Stanley’s” Raincoat, Plant Caladiums

This morning we had our bi-monthly Zone meeting. Our Zone leaders are Elder & Sis. Hopkin and they go home the middle of May. They‘ve done a great job for the past year and we will miss them. Since there are a lot of new missionaries who have just arrived, the purpose/subject of today’s training was on the Mission organization and what the duties of the Zone leaders are. And, since the new Zone leaders will probably come from the pool of newly arrived missionaries, Elder & Sis. Hopkin where training their replacements, whoever that might be. 
While we were in our Zone meeting we had a nice storm roll into Nauvoo. It lasted until mid-afternoon and we got about a half inch of rain out of it. Our flower beds at home as well as the flowerbeds all around Old Nauvoo will really like the soaking they received.
At work we set about the task of planting all of the Caladium bulbs that Richard received yesterday. Caladiums are a very pretty plant with colorful foliage. We’ve been waiting for the shipment to arrive for a month but the supplier in Florida wouldn’t ship the bulbs unless there was no chance for frost along the route. 

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