Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017 – Cleaning up Limbs & Sticks, Liriope, Tree Frog

It rained very lightly on us all morning as we patrolled the grounds picking up downed limbs and sticks. We ended up with a whole trailer load. 
While picking up branches at the Visitor’s Center we saw Jack Hallman, one of the new FM seasonal employees, mowing the Liriope muscari, (also called Lilygrass & Lilyturf). The Liriope beds surround the base of all of the trees on the grounds of the visitor’s center.  All summer and fall the border of Lilygrass add a classy flare to the base of the trees. They stay green all year but by the end of winter the wear and tear starts to show so now is the time to mow them all down.  Shortly they will all come up fresh and beautiful for the new season.  
Back in the propagation room and greenhouses we finished our day of work transplanting and giving the Coleus plants another haircut. This will be their last time to be cut back before we plant them into the gardens in May.
While we were in the greenhouse Richard discovered a tree frog out on one of the benches. They’ve woken up and come out of hibernation. Last week I heard one croaking in the greenhouse for the first time but he was too well hidden in the potted plants to find. The one Richard spotted today was right out in the open.

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