Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017 – Prayer meeting spiritual thought: “His Grace is Sufficient” by Trish, Sis. Johnson’s Cold, Planting on Plugs, “Sunset Rehearsal”
This morning’s Spiritual Thought for FM’s Prayer Meeting by Trischa Kyle was excellent. She took her comments from a talk by Brad Wilcox – “His grace is Sufficient” The full talk can be watched on You Tube here:

I encourage everyone to watch this and listen. The message Bro. Wilcox gives is timeless and perfect for each of us. Please click on the link or copy and paste it into your web browser for a wonderful uplifting experience.
Sis. Johnson didn’t go to work today because she has come down with a cold or the flu. It seems like she was just getting over the last one and now she has the headache, sore throat, sinus congestion and sneezing she suffered with three weeks ago. Also her hair hurts, figure that one out.

Today we transplanted a new shipment of plugs Richard received yesterday evening. There are a lot that came in and they will take up most of the room on the last of the available benches in the greenhouses. Also this shipment wasn’t damaged during shipping so everything looks beautiful.
Tonight we had our second round of rehearsals with Elder & Sis. Rober for “Sunset by the Mississippi.” Since last Tuesday’s practice they’ve been given Elder & Sis. Witbeck as assistants. The Witbecks will be great and an asset to the rehearsals and the show.
The Robers and Witbecks have “Sunset” rehearsals every night, Monday thru Saturday because there are three casts and each cast rehearses twice a week. Since all of her evenings are tied up, Sis. Witbeck said she was sorry that she can no longer perform with her own cast in “Rendezvous.” I think we would all feel that way, everyone loves performing in “Rendezvous.”

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