Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 – Deer Scram, Visitor’s Center, President’s Home, Transplanting, Caladium Shipment

Our first job this morning was to spread “Deer Scram” over all of the tulip beds at the visitor’s center and on all of the other tulip beds in Old Nauvoo. We’ve been very lucky so far and there has been very little damage to the tulip beds by the deer. We want to keep it that way by continuing to spread the deer repellant named, “Deer Scram.” 
While Sis. Johnson and I were sprinkling “Deer Scram”; Richard came right behind us and used his back-pack sprayer to put a second deer repellent on the tulip beds for good measure.
The most tulip beds are at the Visitor’s Center but there are also tulips at the Mission President’s home, The home of the FM director, The Browning Home & Gun Shop and at the entrance to the FM compound. They all got the double protection of two deer repellents.
The balance of the day we spent working in the greenhouses and the propagation room. We transplanted seedlings of Eucalyptus, Egg Plant, Millet and Pennisetum Alopecuroides (an ornamental grass). We also continued yesterday’s project of giving the Coleus plants a haircut. It was a full day and we got a lot done.
Every day we go to work Richard has new and important projects for us to do. All winter there hasn’t been any down time. It seems that we are always behind the eight ball; however, that is not the case. Richard keeps reassures us that we are actually ahead of schedule in preparation for the flowerbed plantings in May.
Today Richard was clearing bench space and throwing away several trays of seedlings he no longer wanted. He gave them all to me to put in our home garden. The back of my car was full of trays. I spent the afternoon after work transplanting several more trays of seedlings. I don’t know where I will put them because we are out of space but I like each new variety Richard gives us. I can’t wait to get them all into our home garden.

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