Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, February 02, 2017 – Coleus Cuttings, Deer

It was another full day of working in the greenhouse harvesting Coleus cuttings and planting them in the rooting trays. Our Coleus cutting routine follows the same pattern all day; we select, label, cut, trim, plant, water and cover. We got over 500 Coleus cuttings done today.
On the eleventh of January we planted Coleus cutting for about a week. We worked outdoors during that time too but we spent a lot of time on the Coleus cuttings. In the course of about 5 days we planted about 1500 Coleus cuttings. We looked at them today and they are all growing and doing amazingly well. In all of those 1500, I could only find 4 cuttings that failed to root. That is a tremendous success rate.
When we got home from work today we were greeted by our resident herd of deer. When we pulled up in our driveway, there they all were, about 50 yards away on the side of a slope that faces our house on the north. We watched them as they slowly walked by. We never get tired of seeing deer in the forest and meadows around our house.

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