Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 – Fertilize, Nauvoo Brass Band, “Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo”
After our regular clean up of the grounds and sidewalks around the Carthage Visitor’s Center, Sis. Johnson resumed the task of hauling wood chips around the base of all the trees. I was off to The Bushnell House to mow, edge, weed eat and blow off the sidewalks. I was done in an hour and a half, a new record.

My next task was to fertilize all of the lawns around the visitor’s center. Last week I talked to, my boss Scott Higley, about several yellow patches of grass in the lawns around the visitor’s center and at The Bushnell house. He concluded that all of the lawns need to be fertilized. I didn’t get done, I’ll have to finish tomorrow.
This afternoon the Nauvoo Brass Band came to the visitor’s center and performed a concert titled “Carthage Hymnfest” with the Nauvoo Brass Band. They set up right outside of the Carthage Jail. They played all of the hymns of the restoration like; We thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet, Praise to the Man, The Spirit of God, Joseph Smith’s First Prayer, etc.  
The band did a great job. I enjoyed the music very much. Although I found it a little difficult to applaud religious hymns I’m used to hearing in sacrament meeting. But I got over it and I applauded with great enthusiasm like the others listening to them play.

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