Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 – Mulching the Women’s Garden, Finish “Sunset” Stage

Another busy full day on the grounds of Old Nauvoo for the grounds staff. We started in the Women’s Garden putting mulch around all of the new plants that went in yesterday. We used about a half load of mulch to cover the soil around all of the new plants. We had a lot of help so the project went fast.

Our next stop was at the “Sunset by the Mississippi” outdoor stage. We had the whole crew to help us so we finished the project we started on Monday and then some. Once again there were a lot of volunteer “Rogue” trees that needed to be cut down and poisoned so they won’t come back. Now that we’ve finished, the whole area really looks good.

We finished our work day at the historic home of Heber C. Kimball. We were here cleaning at the end of June so it’s been four weeks since it was weeded last. The weeds were plentiful but we finished the whole site after lunch.

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