Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017 – Grass & Flowers at FLC, Wagon Ride, Sunset by the Mississippi, British Pageant

We started work today weeding, cleaning and killing rogue trees at the FLC (Family Living Center). I keep thinking that we’ve finished everything at the FLC but we always find a spot we’ve missed. Then about mid-morning Richard came with a load of ornamental grasses and more flowers to plant around the entrance and along the sidewalks of the FLC. The whole area is completely transformed; the grounds around the FLC are going to look great this summer.

Also at mid-morning our family arrived at the FLC. Nathan & Valerie and Paul & Beth and their families had tickets to take the wagon ride and the wagon depot is at the end of the sidewalk Sis. Johnson and I were cleaning, weeding and planting flowers. During their wagon ride they toured the streets of Old Nauvoo and not only learned where everything is located but they also got to listen to one of our Senior missionaries, Sis. McCoy give a little of the history and points of interest in Old Nauvoo.

When they finished their wagon ride they spent an hour in the FLC enjoying all of the exhibits and demonstration there. They watched pioneer bread baking and the candle making demonstration. They saw the looms in operation as well as the barrel making and pottery making demonstration. And of course, everyone’s favorite, the rope making demonstration and they even get to take with them the rope they made.

This evening Sis. Johnson and I performed in “Sunset by the Mississippi.” We love performing and especially since we have family in town to watch and cheer us on. In tonight’s show Sis. Johnson and I sang our duet, “Senior Moments, Brain Freeze.”

 The final show of the evening was the “British Pageant.” We all enjoyed the pageant very much. It tells the story of the early years of the church in the British Isles, the missionaries that went there, the story of their teaching there and the converts that sacrificed so much to join the church.

During the grand finale of the British Pageant all of the Senior Missionaries, the Temple Missionaries, the Young Single Sister Missionaries and the Service Missionaries get to go on stage and sing with the Pageant cast. This was Sis. Johnson and my first time to participate since the first performance of the British Pageant this season was last Wednesday and Sis. Johnson and I were performing all evening in “Rendezvous” at the Cultural Hall. Elder Kyle Johnson was in the finale on the stage with us too. He has been looking forward to this for weeks.

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