Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016 – Very Cold, Cleaning Visitor’s Center, Lyon Drug, Brigham Young Home, Fall Leaves

 It was below freezing again this morning and we started work in very cold conditions. I want to use the term “Bitter Cold” but since this is the Mid-west, “Bitter Cold” is reserved for temperatures below zero. It was only down to 25 degrees again. But to a person from the deserts of Arizona, it felt bitter cold to me. 
We started work at the Women’s Garden. Since we’ve had two days in a row of killing frost ALL of the sensitive plants were completely frozen down to the ground and needed to be removed. It was a big job because there were so many plants that we’ve left in previous cleaning because they still looked so good. But now, Sis. Johnson and I had to remove them all.

We did the same thing at the Lyon Drug Herb Garden. There were a lot of plants that needed to be removed, so we cut them down and hauled them all away. The most notable plants were the beautiful, huge Caster Beans. They’ve been magnificent all summer and fall but now they are all gone.
Our final location to clean was at the Brigham Young historic home. We cleaned the Brigham Young home three weeks ago, (See Nov. 1, 2016) but we didn’t finish all of the flowerbeds then. We were delayed because of all of the Poison Ivy we had to deal with. I pulled about 60 young Poison Ivy plants then. Today we got the last of the flowerbeds cleaned up and we only came across one Poison Ivy.
When we finished all of today’s flowerbed cleaning the trailer was fuller than we’ve ever filled it. In the past we would have made two loads but we decided to save time and just pile it higher and deeper. Today was a good day of work.

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