Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – Mulching, Blowing & Weeding, Sis. Archibald, Our Final Rendezvous Show as “George & Agatha”

At work we were busy all day mulching, blowing sidewalks and weeding sites. For part of the day we got to take Sis. Archibald with us. She will be taking our place on the grounds crew in Nauvoo. She’s enthusiastic and eager to work. 

Today marked a milestone and the end of an era for Sis. Johnson and I. Tonight was our very last “Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo” show. It was also our very last time to perform as “George and Agatha.” At the conclusion of tonight’s show Sis. Johnson confided in me that several times during her performance as Agatha, she struggled to maintain her composure and had to fight back tears.

 We’ve been performing as “George & Agatha” since last January and we’ve grown to love the parts we play and the characters we portray. We have been moved and spiritually uplifted as we’ve shared our testimonies through our acting. It has been an honor and a pleasure to be part of this great show called “Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo.”

Sis. Johnson and I are not the only ones who were performing for the very last time tonight. In our cast there were four other couples who were on the stage for the very last time. They have all become our good friends and we love them all very much. I think they feel the same way we do about performing in “Rendezvous.”

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