Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017 – Monday’s Routine Work, Tin Shop Hedge, New Grove

We did our Monday routine leaf blowing and weeding at the Women’s Garden, the Visitor’s Center, the Cultural Hall and the Family Living Center and on down Main Street to Jonathan Browning Gun Shop, and the rest of the Old Main Street shops and historic homes. This morning we had four leaf blowers going because we had our full complement in our crew. We had Elder Kyle Johnson, Elder Cantwell, Lani Allen, Sis. Johnson blowing. While they finished blowing tons of leaves off of Main Street I was able to trim the hedge next to the Tin Shop. 

I trimmed the hedge next to the Tin Shop last year and it was way past due for another haircut. It was a warm morning and it was a lot of work. Toting and hoisting that big heavy hedge trimmer over my head to cut the hedge wore me out. When I finally finished I was exhausted. But the hedge ended up looking great.

We finished the morning weeding and killing volunteer trees in the new tree grove on the side of the hill west of the Temple. Since it hasn’t been weeded all summer the weeds are huge and everywhere. And, since each weed can produce thousands of seeds, this little plot has the potential of an endless supply of weeds.

After lunch Elder Kyle Johnson, Elder Cantwell and I finished our day weeding six more Liriope beds on the west side of the Visitor’s Center. Sis. Johnson was back in the propagation room with Sis. Brumble making rooted cuttings of a variety of Sage plants.

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