Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016 – Working the grounds, Flower beds
This morning’s work was the same as last Monday, which was the same as the Monday before, etc.  We start at 7:00 AM sharp and it takes us about an hour and a half to two hours before we finish the sidewalks and grounds in preparation for the day’s visitors.

When we finished cleaning the grounds and sidewalks Sis. Johnson put on the back pack sprayer again. She is now an expert “Weed Killer.” Give her a tank of Round-up and it’s death and carnage everywhere! There are tons of weeds in the cracks of the sidewalks and in the parking lot. It will take them a week or two to die but when they do, the parking lot and sidewalks will look even better. 
The flower beds we planted three weeks ago are thriving. Everything, especially the Coleus & Begonias have more than doubled in size since Thursday, May 12th.  The grounds here at the Carthage Jail Visitor’s Center are beautiful.
As we drove through Nauvoo on our way to we performed in “Sunset by the Mississippi” tonight, we saw two deer beside the road. Then on our way home, just before dark, we saw another deer standing out in the middle of a corn field, very picturesque. Unfortunately I was only able to get one picture, but still they were a great sight. 

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