Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday, August 23, 2017 – Mission Trg. Mtg & Farewell, Women’s Garden Flowerbed Pruning, Nauvoo Temple Session

This morning we sang “Farewell Nauvoo” to six Senior Couples and eight Young Single Sister Missionaries in our Mission Training Meeting. They will all be leaving in the next few days and weeks. It is hard to say goodbye to our dear friends that we love and respect. They have all completed their 18 months of service and we will miss them.

During our song, “Farewell Nauvoo” it is no exaggeration that every person in the room was singing through their tears. This song is a very touching and poignant. It is sung in our performance of “Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo” and every Senior in the Mission knows the words and loves the message of farewell to Nauvoo.

And so Nauvoo, we say Farwell to you
With numb and aching hearts, one last Adieu
As through our tears we look to homes beyond
Could ever we be fond of one as you?

One cardinal’s song, one sunset’s glow
One Nauvoo dawn, one silhouette of woods on snow
From templed hill faint echoes ring
Where prophets walked and talked with God
Their memories linger

And so we go and hide our aching hearts
No one will see our tears when we depart
This home we leave will shelter memories clear
Of all that we hold dear in Old Nauvoo
Farewell Nauvoo – Farewell Nauvoo

We worked in the Women’s Garden today pruning and trimming the flowers in the flowerbeds throughout the garden. Some of the plants like the Lantana have grown way too big and are out of proportion to the rest of the flowers in the flowerbeds. So we pruned the Lantana way back as well as some of the other plants that were too big.


Now that the flowerbeds have had their trimming they all look much better. Everything is much more uniform and with many of the “Dead Heads” removed the gardens look much fresher and neater.  It’s a major improvement.

This evening Sis. Johnson and I got to attend an Endowment Session at the Nauvoo Temple. We missed attending the temple all summer. With our busy schedule and work load it was very difficult to go but now that our performance schedule is half what it was and the work in the gardens is slowing a bit we will be able to attend more often. I will like that.

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