Sunday, July 17, 2016 – Nauvoo Grove, Trail of Hope, Riser Boot Shop,
Sarah Granger Kimball, FM Greenhouses, “Be Still”
Wow, what a wonderful
Sunday we had today. After church we went to the “Nauvoo Grove” with our niece,
Ruth Gurr and her husband Adam and children. The grove and others like it, is
where the Prophet Joseph preach to the church in Nauvoo. The Temple wasn’t
finished yet and they had no church building or tabernacle to use as a meeting
house. “The Grove” was used for Sunday meetings, Conferences, sermons,
funerals, etc.

Many great and
marvelous revelations were revealed and expounded upon in “The Grove” of trees.
Benches cut from logs were used for seating however there was standing room
only at many of the meetings of the early saints.
Next we all walked the
“Trail of Hope” to the banks of the Mississippi River. February 4, 1846 the
saints in Nauvoo were under orders from the governor to leave immediately. So
within the week, in one of the coldest winters on record, the Saints hurriedly
packed their wagons with only their essential possessions and walked down Parley
Street to the Mississippi River.
During the winter of
1846 more than ten thousand Saints left their homes. As they left their beloved
Nauvoo they looked back at their beautiful town, their homes, their shops,
their farms and their Temple and knew they probably would never see any of them
again in this life. But they had hope in the future. They had the promise of a
Prophet that they would be able to find a new home and once again have the
peace and happiness they so desired. Thus, these first steps on their journey
west became known as “The Trail of Hope.”
Next we visited two
historic sites, the Riser Boot Shop and Sarah Granger Kimball’s home. Then we
went by the headquarters of FM (Facilities Maintenance) to give Ruth, Adam
& family a tour of the greenhouses. Even though most of the greenhouses are
nearly empty in the summer we still found a lot of colorful and interesting
potted plants to see.
Our final stop of the
day was at the Nauvoo Visitor’s Center to experience the performance of the
YPM’s (Young Performing Missionaries) in “Be Still.” The performance was only
15 minutes long and was nothing like the YPM’s high energy show we saw
yesterday called, “The Promise.” This show, “Be Still” had no dance routines
but it did have songs. The whole show was profoundly spiritual and very
reverent. It had the effect of making a person reflect on the power of the
restored gospel and the glory of the work going forward throughout the
The last two minutes of
the show were eloquently profound and moving as “Be Still” concluded with one
of the YPM’s quoting “The Standard of Truth” by the Prophet Joseph Smith “. . . the Standard of Truth has been erected;
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage,
mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God
will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every
continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear;
till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say
the work is done.”
Like I said, it was a
great day!
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