Friday, July 22, 2016 – Rain, Cleaning, Trimming Limbs, Fayetteville GA
Youth Conf., Letters of Joseph & Emma, King Follett Discourse
Wow, what a storm
overnight. We had 1.62 inches of rain between 3 and 8:00AM. Sis. Johnson &
I had a lot of cleanup to do. We had to blow the sidewalks while it was still
raining because we had to be done before the tour buses arrived. And there were
five tour buses in the parking lot by 9:30 this morning.
One of the tour groups
were from Fayetteville, GA. Their youth conference is called “Nauvoo Trek 2016.”
After their first group finished their tour of the Carthage Jail, I enjoyed
listening to them sing “Praise to the Man” as they held a devotional and sang
hymns next to the jail. They were a good group of youth & leaders.
This afternoon we went
into Nauvoo to watch two vignettes. In both, Dallyn Bayles played the part of
Joseph Smith. I can’t say enough about what a good job Dallyn Bayles does
portraying the Prophet Joseph Smith; he even has the facial profile that looks
like Joseph’s. In both vignettes I had to remind myself several times that I
was watching an actor and not the real Prophet Joseph Smith, Dallyn Bayles was
that good.
The first vignette was
called “Letters from Joseph to Emma.”It was a touching portrayal of the letters
Joseph and Emma wrote to each other starting while Joseph was in Liberty Jail
in Missouri and ending while he was in Carthage Jail just before his
martyrdom. Dallyn Bayles and his wife,
Rachel, played Joseph and Emma and they each did a marvelous job showing the
love and devotion each of them had for the other. Joseph and Emma were truly
each other’s best friends.
The second vignette we
saw was titled, “King Follett Discourse” and was acted out in “The Nauvoo
Grove” in surroundings that were not unlike the very grove Joseph preached this
very powerful sermon. In April of 1844
many of the saints that lived in outlying areas had come to Nauvoo for
protection against the mobs so the number of people that attended and witnessed
the “King Follett Discourse” were almost twenty thousand!
History records that on
that day April 7, 1844, there was a large storm to the west of the city and
Joseph asked all present to pray that the storm would be abated and also to
pray that he, Joseph, would have the strength of voice and stamina so that all
could hear him. The prayers of the saints were answered, the storm split in two
and went around Nauvoo and Joseph Smith spoke for two hours to the large
gathering and all heard his voice.
The Prophet spoke about
so many things that I don’t have time or space to mention them all here but a
few of the subjects that standout in my mind were: the nature of God and man’s
relationship to his Father in Heaven. He also spoke about the nature of the
eternal family and what becomes of little children who die before they reach
the age of accountability. The Prophet spoke with the power of the Holy Spirit
as he received revelation. These concepts were completely new to the saints of
Nauvoo and to all Christianity for that matter. Today we take them for granted.
There are other
vignettes that Sis. Johnson and I have not seen yet. We hope to see them all.
So far everything we’ve seen has been excellent. I would highly recommend anyone planning to
visit Nauvoo, to do it during the weeks that the Pageants are in town because
that is the only time these vignettes are acted out.
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