Wednesday, October 26, 2016 – Training Meeting, Oxalis, Bows
Today was our weekly
mission-wide training meeting. Sis. Cluff was one of the speakers and she told
the story of giving tours in the Wilfred Woodruff home to visitors interested
in learning more about the church. I liked her comment. She said: “When I
testify of the Savior Jesus Christ, the Spirit takes over and the guest can
feel it.”
Because of the mission
training meeting, Wednesdays are always a short day of work. Plus it rained all
morning so we had an even shorter work day at FM. Because of the rain, Richard
Hancock sent Sis. Johnson straight home to continue her project of making bows
for the Christmas decorations FM will be putting up all over Old Nauvoo.
Sis. Johnson has
finished making 130 of the large #40 bows. FM needs 200 of them made. Then Sis.
Johnson has to make 100 more bows with the narrower #9 ribbon. That will make a
total of 300 bow to make all together.
To stay out of the
rain, Richard and I worked in the greenhouses all morning. We cleaned and swept
the greenhouses. As well as weeded and pruned the potted plants. Our biggest job was pulling a terrible weed
that overtakes the potted plants. The weed is “Oxalis” and looks like clover
but it isn’t.
Oxalis, also known as “Wood Sorrel,” is a
perennial weed. The mature seed capsules open explosively when disturbed. So,
without the aid of wind, animals or birds the weed can spread its seeds all
over the greenhouse as if they were fired from a canon. Keeping this weed under
control in the FM greenhouses is a never ending job.

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