Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – Mopping, Cleaning, Tours, Police, Sisters for

I used the extra time to
fix test the sprinkler system and repair or replace broken sprinkler heads. It
was not a small task, it took me most of the day. I had to replace the internal
working parts of about 15 different sprinkler heads. That’s when I ran out of
spare parts so I still have to repair another 6 heads that are broken. I’ll get
the parts when we go in for our Mission-wide training tomorrow morning.

Sometimes, like today
when a policeman drove up to me and chatted, the person doesn’t even intend to
go through the visitor’s center. I must have talked to Officer Mark Church of
the Carthage Police Dept. for fifteen minutes or so and during our conversation
I had the opportunity to invite him in to come in and take the tour, learn
about Joseph Smith and why this place is so important to members of our faith.
Tonight we fed the
Sister Missionaries again. Since transfers were last week we have all new
YSSM’s (Young Single Sister Missionaries) here in Carthage, except Sis. Goble,
she’s the only YSSM that stayed. Our dinner guests tonight were Sis Garrison
from Herriman, UT. She’s been serving for 14 months. Her companion is Sis.
Barahona. She is from Orem, UT, but she was raised in El Salvador and considers
herself an El Salvadorian. She came on her mission about the same time as Sis.
Johnson & I, she’s been serving for only 3 months.
As usual the Sister
Missionaries left our home with a spiritual message, which was to ask the
question, “What do missionaries do?” They quoted a couple of scriptures to
answer the question. And of course the answer is: “Missionaries bring people to
Christ.” Then they asked Sis. Johnson
and I a thought provoking question, How did your last mission change your life?
Well, the flood of answers came to our minds but time constraints only allowed
us to touch on the highlights. Sis.
Johnson answered first and the spirit was very strong as she told moving and poignant
stories of our service in the Dominican Republic. Had time allowed we both
could have talked about the answer for hours. It was a very good dinner, very
good spiritual message and of course with great company.
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