Friday, June 10, 2016 – Buzzards, 97 degrees, Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo
It’s hot in Illinois!
Yesterday it was 97 degrees on our way into Nauvoo to attend the Temple. Even
though it was cooler by the time of our performance in “Sunset by the
Mississippi” we were still sweating a lot.
Today’s forecast was for 100 degrees but it only got up to 92. Actually
we can’t complain, it was 117 degrees in Arizona last weekend. 

We drive between Carthage and Nauvoo almost daily and sometime twice a day. Each time it’s a 50 mile round trip. As a result of all those miles over country roads, we see a lot of road kill. Mostly we see dead possums, raccoons and squirrels but occasionally we see a farmer’s dead cat or dog. The other thing we see a lot of are Turkey Vultures. Of course buzzards are everywhere, from California to the Atlantic coast but the Midwest is famous for their Turkey Vultures. Now I know why, these birds are the biggest, the fattest and the best fed birds in the whole country. I’ve never seen so many big fat buzzards in my life.

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