Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016 – Church History Sites

Elder Rober gave the spiritual thought at our “Rendezvous” prayer meeting. He took his comments from a Church News article on Elder Steven E. Snow of the Seventy. Last January Elder Snow was teaching all of the new Visitor’s Center and Historic Site Directors and Mission Presidents. Our Mission President, Pres. Hall and his wife were there. The title of his message was, “Church Historic Sites reinforce Faith and Help Us Remember.”
Elder Snow is the Church Historian and Recorder and Executive Director of the Church History Department. The Church makes a substantial commitment to historic sites. Elder Snow said, “Our Heavenly Father is desirous we remember.” He pointed out that the word “remember” is used 230 times in the Book of Mormon alone. Elder Snow said, “Clearly God desires us to remember His words, His Works, and the works of His people. From the very early days of the Church, scribes have kept a record.”

Here in Carthage I estimate about 80% of the visitor’s are members of the Church.  In Nauvoo it’s a little less, probably 70%. Elder Snow said that members come to the historic sites for a variety of reasons, but two of the main reasons are to remember what took place there and to reinforce faith.  Parents bring their children so they feel the spirit of these sacred places.

“It is one thing to read about a handcart, but quite another to pull a handcart. Being in the Sacred Grove is a much more powerful experience than being taught about the Sacred Grove.  Families want to feel the spirit of the places, and parents want their children to remember what others did who went before.”

I agree. It’s one thing to read about the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum and quite another to be in the very room and stand on the very same old wooden floor they stood on. Then, to feel the spirit testify to your soul that this is the very place and those men really did seal with their blood their testimony of the restoration of the gospel of Christ. I encourage each of you, as you plan your vacations, to consider visiting one of the many church history sites available to you. And, if you can make it to Nauvoo, Sis. Johnson and I will even sing and dance for you!

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