FACEBOOK POST: (Sunday morning at 9;00am Pam and I gave talks in Sacrament meeting. (They don't call them "Farewells" anymore) Lots of our good friends were there from several of our old wards. Plus we had a lot of family in attendance. Thank you all for attending and thank you for your love and support!)
Pam’s talk was on overcoming our fears and having faith in the assurance that we are safe, protected in God’s hands. I really wish I had recorded the talk somehow and transcribed everything she said, the talk was that good. She told wonderful, personal, moving and faith promoting stores to accentuate her message. By the end of her talk the spirit was so strong there wasn’t a dry eye in the chapel. Her talk was simply wonderful.
My talk was a foot note to Pam’s. In fact Bishop Nathan Johnson could have ended the meeting right there after she sat down and we would have been completely and richly fed. But. . . I did give my talk anyway. I spoke on our pioneer heritage and how each one of us can be a modern pioneer to our descendents by setting a good example and keeping a journal.
After church we all went home and returned at 2:30pm for our setting apart. Pres. David Benson set us apart and all of the Melchizedek Priesthood holders were invited to stand in the circle. That was a special treat to have our sons participate as well as Pam’s father Jim Burk. President Benson’s blessing to each of us was wonderful. Pam mentioned afterward how she felt so reassured about all of the challenges she will be facing.

FACEBOOK POST: (Pres. David Benson set us apart as full time missionaries and all of the Melchizedek Priesthood holders were invited to stand in the circle. That was a special treat to have our sons participate as well as Pam’s father Jim Burk. President Benson’s blessing to each of us was wonderful.)
After the setting apart and blessings were pronounced I took a moment to tell everyone there how much I appreciated the blessings Pam and I had just received. I said I’ve been set apart to be a missionary three times in my life. The first time was in 1969, I was set apart by a General Authority, A. Theodore Tuttle. The two times since then I’ve been set apart by my Stake Presidents. I wanted everyone to know that my Stake Presidents have given me blessings that were every bit as special, sacred and spiritually inspired as the one by a General Authority.

FACEBOOK POST: (After we were setting apart and blessings pronounced, I took a moment to tell everyone there how much I appreciated the blessings Pam and I had just received. I said I’ve been set apart to be a missionary three times in my life. The first time was in 1969, I was set apart by a General Authority, A. Theodore Tuttle. The two times since then I’ve been set apart by my Stake Presidents. I wanted everyone to know that my Stake Presidents have given me blessings that were every bit as special, sacred and spiritually inspired as the one by a General Authority.)
When the setting apart was over we all went to the cultural hall for a huge pot luck dinner. There was way too much food. I did my best to eat it all but I just wasn’t up to the task! But, it was sure good. After we finished eating, the cake and ice cream was brought out and we sang happy birthday to Joshua who turned six today. Presents were opened and a good time was had by all.

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