July 27, 2017 – Propagating Coleus, Cleaning Benches & Hoop House, Pliers
on Rogue Trees
Sis. Johnson and I worked indoors all day today.
It rained in the early morning and it was overcast all day and it would have
been pleasant to work in the gardens but the Coleus plants needed attention
right away. They are all getting overgrown in their 3” pots and they
desperately need a haircut. But before we pruned them back we had to harvest
several cutting from each of the hundreds of varieties. We didn’t finish today,
maybe tomorrow.
While Sis. Johnson and I
worked in the propagation room with Emilie and Bekah the rest of the grounds
crew worked on sorting and cleaning the shaded benches. There are a lot of left
over annual plants that never made it into the gardens that no longer have a
use. They were all sorted and most of them had to be hauled away.
While all of the excess plants were being tossed
into the trailer for the compost pile, I asked Richard a question, “Doesn’t it
just break your heart to see all of those plants being thrown away.” He
replied, “I look at it in a positive light, now I don’t have to water them
Also on today’s cleaning agenda was the greenhouse
we call the “Hoop House.” As part of today’s cleaning it was completely emptied
of all plants. Then Rylan and Lani swept it and hosed it out to completely
clean it. Next it will be completely sterilized and sanitized in the next few
days. After Richard finishes with the antifungal and antibacterial agents the
hoop house will be clean enough to eat your morning eggs and bacon off the
Richard took Elder
Cantwell and Elder Kyle Johnson to the Visitor’s Center to pull weeds and
“Rogue Trees” in the Liriope beds. But this time he tried something new,
Richard used pliers to pull on the rogue trees to get them out roots and all.
It worked, we had a half inch of rain over night and the soil was soft and the
sapling trees came out with a little effort. Some were harder than other but it
was much faster than cutting them down and then treating the tiny trunk with
poison like we’ve been doing in the past.

It is amazing how many
old friends we’ve had the fortune to see here in Nauvoo while we’ve served our
mission here. Again today we had another one of those unexpected sweet
surprises. An old friend, Don Dennee, (from
our home ward while Sis. Johnson and I were in high school) came with his
Stake’s Youth Conference from the State of Mississippi. They were on the road
14 hours to get here. Also another High School friend is here with his ward’s
youth, Jack Heywood. This is Jack’s second visit with us in the last year.
It was really fun to spend time together and renew
old acquaintances. Jack Heywood was here last August but this is the first time
I’ve seen and talked to Don Dennee in 46 years. Even though it’s been 48 years
since we graduated from high school together, they are both very dear friends
of Sis. Johnson and I and we really enjoyed their visit.